August 27, 2015 - 10 Easy Ways To Boost The Value Of Your Home

If you’re planning on selling your home, there are a few simple things you can do to increase your homes value and improve its sales appeal. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Start Scrubbing

It is essential that your home is clean. Set aside a weekend to scrub every nook and cranny of your home. In some cases, it may be best to save yourself some time for other projects by hiring a professional cleaning service—a professional service will also have better tools and be better equipped to thoroughly clean your home.

2. Have Your Home Inspected

Hire an inspector to evaluate your home and look for problems. That way, you can make any repairs that would deter buyers.

3. Capitalize On Your Kitchen

If you can only afford to upgrade one area of your home, make it the kitchen.  A nice, modern kitchen will attract buyers where an old, cramped kitchen could be a deal breaker. Even small changes can make a big difference—replace the light fixtures, faucets, and handles on the cabinets to make your kitchen more attractive.

4. Keep Things Neutral

Buyers want to be able to imagine themselves in a new home. While you may think one room is a perfect nursery, they may be looking for a room that can be used as a home office. Keep things as neutral as possible so buyers can envision themselves in a room. Use neutral colors on the walls and keep the decoration simple and impersonal.

5. Fix Up The Flooring

Most buyers aren’t looking for a home that will need all the flooring replaced a month after they move in. Make the most of the floorings you have by having them professionally cleaned. If the floorings are in really bad shape, it may be worth the cost of replacing them.

6. Upgrade Your Bathroom

A few simple updates in your bathroom can increase your home’s value. Replace the showerhead and faucets, re-caulk the tub, clean out the grout, and consider updating the cabinets.

7.  Brighten Things Up

Make your home look happy and inviting by adding light. Repaint some of your rooms in light neutral colors, replace heavy drapes with easy to open shutters, and add extra light fixtures and ceiling fans in rooms without overhead lighting.

8. Keep Up Regular Maintenance

Simple maintenance will protect and improve the value of your home. Fix those leaky faucets, make sure your windows are still well insulated, and check your air filters.

9. Hire Someone To Decorate Or Stage Your House

If you need help making your home appealing to future buyers, consider hiring a professional to decorate or stage your home.

10. Don’t Forget About Curb Appeal

While improving the interior of your home is important, no one will even bother coming inside if the exterior of your home is unappealing. Trim your grass, plant some flowers, update your front door, sweep the walkways, weed the garden, and wash the exterior of your home to encourage buyers to come see what is inside.

Once you’ve increased the value of your home it will be easier to sell. When that time does come, you’ll need to move your belongings carefully to a new home. Hire a moving company to safely transport your furniture and possessions. Moving companies like Redman Van also provide storage services, which can come in handy during a move.  Use the tips above to make selling your home and moving to a new place easier and more successful.