September 21, 2015 - Making The Move: 8 Signs That It’s Time

Between 2012 and 2014, more than 35.9 million living in the United States moved to a different residency – that’s nearly 12 percent of the nation’s population. While employment, family and housing were the leading causes of people making the move, it’s clear that the economic health of our country plays a major role in making people pull up their roots and plant them somewhere new.


These major categories, however, shouldn’t be the only reason you’re questioning a move – several other factors might indicate that the time is right for you to make a move, too. Here are 8 telltale signs that you could be ready:


  1. Overgrown Home

Are you tired of sharing one bathroom sink with all of your family members? Moving to a larger home can accommodate a growing family and give everyone the space they need.


  1. Flown the Coop

Are there too many open rooms in your home? Have your kids grown and fled the coop? Downsizing to a smaller home could not only save you money, but make you money, too.


  1. Worn out by Weather

Ready for more sunshiny days? Perhaps your longing for a location with varying seasons. Many people decide to move because of the weather or climate.


  1. Remodel Headache

Owning a home means that remodeling is inevitable – but what if there is just too much to remodel and not enough budget? Save yourself the headache and move to a home that has your wants and needs.


  1. The Relationship Reason

Trying to meet that special someone? Hoping to start over after a rocky relationship? Moving into a new house can be the ideal solution for starting fresh.


  1. Ready to Retire

Calling it quits on that job you’ve had for years? What do you want to do in your newfound free time – hike, bike, golf, sail, read, play tennis? Head to a land where all your retirement dreams can come true.


  1. Neighbor Nonsense

Is your neighborhood being overrun by noise, crime, construction or traffic? This is a great indicator that it might be time to sell and relocate -it’s not you, it’s them.


  1. Killer Commute

Do you feel like you’re spending too much time in the car going to-and-from work and not enough time at home? Ready to ride your bike or walk to work? Moving closer to your job can save you valuable time and money.


If you’ve settled the scores and decided that it’s time for you to make a move, let Redman Van help make your job easier.