December 4, 2015 - Redman Van: Bringing Order To Moving

Each year, over 40 million people move to a new home; more than 23 million move within the same county, close to eight million move to a different county within the same state, 7.5 million move to a different state, and well over 1.2 million will move to a different country. Perhaps this year, you and your family will join the growing number of Americans uprooting their lives to begin a new chapter within the walls of a new home.


While the thought of moving can be exciting, when it comes to packing up your home, things can get a bit challenging. Between transporting boxes full of possessions, different pieces of furniture and more, moving can end up being much more disorganized than initially planned. However, with these three tips and the help of Redman Van, you can make your moving experience a beautifully organized breeze.


1.     LOTS of Labels

When it comes to moving, you can never have too many labels. Forget about using markers or color-coded pens to scratch “misc.” on dozens of boxes; this will only add to frustration. Instead, create computer-generated labels – and hundreds of them.


Pick up a large box of cheap labels at your local supply store, load them into your printer, create a document with a label for every room in your house, and let the printer do the rest. These labels should include rooms such as:

  • Kitchen
  • Living Room
  • TV Room
  • Master Bedroom
  • Girls Room
  • Boys Room
  • Bathroom
  • Laundry Room
  • Garage
  • Storage, etc.


Experts recommend printing about one hundred labels per-room, then place a label in the corner of all four sides of the boxes. While this may seem like overkill, your future-self will thank your past-self when it comes time to search for and unpack the boxes.


2.     Keep A Handy Dandy Notebook

This notebook will be the center of your universe, so make sure it has plenty of free space, big pages, and even inside pockets. With the help of this notebook, you can adequately keep track of all the moving parts involved with a move. In this notebook, you will include:


  • House hunting information: Realtor phone numbers, notes on houses you’ve toured, handymen recommendations, movers, They can all be included in a dedicated section.
  • Ideas for your future home: Paint chips, flooring samples, wallpaper snippets, fabric swatches, etc. can all be kept in the pockets for future decorating ideas in your new home.
  • Scheduled appointments: Use your notebook to keep track of appointments or special dates for your move – i.e., “movers are coming,” “cable installation,” “plumbing specialist,” etc.
  • Keep track of boxes: Remember all those labels you printed out? Keep notes on specific contents of each box. This will make it easy to find plates, sheets, etc.

3.     Pack A Last Minute “Essentials Box”


This “essentials box” is one of the most important things you can do during a move. After the rest of your house is packed, create a box that has all of the things you’ll absolutely need in your new house before all the unpacking beings. This box can contain things like the coffee maker, your child’s special toy, a set of bed sheets, blankets, pillows, alarm clocks, and more. Decorate or mark this box differently from the others so that you and the movers know it goes in the truck last and comes out of the truck first.


With these simple tips, moving won’t be such a big deal. Take an even bigger load off with the help of Redman Van, Utah’s most trusted moving and storage company. Call us today to learn how we can help!